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  • Writer's pictureAlvin the Alien

Top Bloom Boosters for Cannabis

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

Cannabis takes a pretty long time to mature... and because this specific variety of plant takes a while to harvest, every indoor farmer wants to make sure that the 4 plus months of time, energy, and effort they put in to their crop is well worth it.

So why not add a bloom booster!


When compared to base nutrients for vegetative growth, bloom boosters are fertilizers that have lower nitrogen (N) amounts, and higher phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) amounts, formulated to increase flower production. They also contain small amounts of several beneficial micro nutrients such as iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), and copper (Cu).

Bloom boosters specific N-P-K ratio is perfect for enhancing bud growth during the flowering stage. The ideal bloom boosting N-P-K ratio will vary depending on who you ask, but I've found that most strains respond best to a 1-3-2 in early flowering, and a 0-3-3, or 0-1-2 in the later flowering weeks. The ratio of your chosen brand doesn't have to an exact match to the ratios listed above, but should be close. When combined with your base nutrients that you've been using throughout veg your ideal flowering ratio should be something along the lines of 2-4-5.

For example, the base nutrient I use during the vegetative stage has an N-P-K ratio of 20-10-20. When it's time for the switch to flowering, I like to add a bloom booster that has a NPK ratio of 0-30-30, which when added together and reduced, would bring my flowering NPK ratio to 2-4-5. I promise it's not as complicated as it sounds


Below I've provided some easy to use bloom boosters that will give your flowers the right ratio of macro nutrients they need to maximize your yields and increase flavor, smell and overall potency!

These will work with just about any base nutrients you are already using, but be sure to follow the instructions on the label.

As always, check that your PH and PPM are on point and get ready for explosive results!

Happy Growing!

Top cannabis bloom booster
Dakine 420 Shock & Awe Bloom Boost

Top  cannabis bloom booster
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud

Top cannabis bloom booster
Growganica Incredible Bulk Bloom Booster

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